Preparing young adults for the modern workforce.

Don’t know what to do next? Need help staying in school, getting your GED, or transitioning to college? Are you applying to jobs, but finding you don’t have enough experience?

All our services are free, including:

  • Tutoring, study skills, and dropout prevention
  • Alternative school options
  • Paid work experience and internships
  • Career exploration and job skill training
  • Adult mentoring, guidance and counseling

The program welcomes all youth and young adults ages 16-24 who need some additional assistance. However, you may be eligible for specialized services if you:

  • Are part of a low income family
  • Have been in the foster system
  • Dropped out of school
  • Have been convicted of a crime
  • Are pregnant or have children
  • Have a disability

Are you facing challenges?

Are you facing challenges in achieving your goals? Are you feeling stuck? Search our Youth Resource Guide for helpful services in your area.

We can help!

Our youth counselors can help you figure out a plan. We provide on-going support, resources, and guidance to help you get an education and into a career. Fill out the form below to get started.

I believe the most useful part of the program was the guidance, support and motivation I received from my case worker and the time spent talking with me and listening to my goals.
Rebecca R.